Saturday, January 13, 2007

Music for Rehearsal on January 16th

We will be changing out the Cherubic Hymn and Anaphora for Lent, and the following links will bring you to where you can find the hymn for Prodigal Son Sunday as well as the Cherubic Hymn we are learning. If you have Adobe Acrobat reader, you can access the music on line as well as listen to mpegs of all four parts.

You can access the Cherubic Hymn here.

You can access Thy Fatherly Embrace here.

You can listen to both pieces online via midi files as well, but I haven't figured out how to post music files yet! Just go to, click on Mixed Chorus, then click on Liturgy - its Cherubim Hymn #35. Then click on Great Lent and Thy Fatherly Embrace is the first selection under Prodigal Son Sunday.

We will also be changing out the litanies for Lent as we normally do.

Keep in mind for upcoming rehearsals that I expect to spend some time Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers this year, since we will be hosting it at our parish, and it has been quite a few years since we did so.

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