Saturday, April 14, 2007

Rubrics for Thomas Sunday

This general pattern is repeated, with minor differences, until the leavetaking of Pascha

Paschal Beginning (done every day until the leavetaking of Pascha):
Priest: Blessed is the Kingdom . . .
Choir: Amen
Priest: Christ is Risen . . . (x 2.5)
Choir: And upon those in the tombs . . .
Priest exclaims: Christ is Risen! and people respond: Indeed He is Risen! (x3)

First and Second Antiphons as usual

Third Antiphon (Beatitudes)
8 Troparia for Thomas Sunday: 4 from Ode III and 4 from Ode VI of the Canon
8: By Thy Cross Thou didst render us new instead of old, and incorruptible instead of corruptible, O Christ; and Thou didst command us to live worthily in newness of life.
7: By Thy Cross Thou didst render us new instead of old, and incorruptible instead of corruptible, O Christ; and Thou didst command us to live worthily in newness of life.
6: Though enclosed within a grave in Thy circumscribable flesh, Thou didst arise, O Christ, Who art uncircumscribable; and while the doors were shut, Thou didst come unto Thy disciples, O Almighty One.
5: Having preserved intact Thy wounds, which Thou didst endure willingly forus, Thou didst show them unto Thy disciples, O Christ, as a witness of Thy glorious Resurrection.
4: Thou didst not leave Thomas immersed in the depth of unbelief, O Master, when he stretched forth his hands to examine Thee.
3: Thou didst not leave Thomas immersed in the depth of unbelief, O Master,when he stretched forth his hands to examine Thee.
2: Our Savior said: When ye touch Me, see that I have bones and flesh; I am not subject to change.
1: Thomas felt Thy side; and believing, he recognized Thee, though he was not present when Thou didst first come, O our Savior.

At the Entrance: Troparion for St. Thomas; Glory... now and ever.... Kontakion for St. Thomas

The Prokeimenon in the Third Tone:
Great is our God and abundant in power! / His understanding is beyond measure!
vs: Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God!

Epistle: Acts 5:12-20 beginning with "At that time"

vs: Come let us rejoice in the Lord! Let us make a joyful noise to God our Saviour!
vs: For the Lord is a great God, and a great king over all the earth.

Gospel: John 20:19-31

Instead of "It is truly meet . . .,"The angel cried . . .Shine! Shine! . . .- - - - -

Communion hymn:
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion!

Communion of the Clergy: Canticle of Pascha "(Let God Arise")

People's Communion: Christ is Risen!

Paschal Ending (done every day until the leavetaking of Pascha)
Priest: O Lord, save Thy people and bless . . .
Choir: Christ is Risen (instead of We have seen the True Light)
Priest: Always now and ever . . .
Choir: Amen. Let our mouths be filled . . .

Paschal Dismissal (done every day until the leavetaking of Pascha)
Priest: Glory to Thee, O Christ . . .
Choir: Christ is Risen . . . (x3)
Priest: May He who rose from the dead . . .
Priest exclaims: Christ is Risen! and people respond: Indeed He is Risen! (x3)
Choir: Christ is Risen . . (x1)
Choir: (Tone 8) And unto us He has given eternal life. Let us worship His resurrection on the third day!